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Stand Tall: Can Improving My Posture Improve My Bite Alignment?

August 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthomilford @ 4:20 pm
a person sitting slouched in a chair

You’ve probably been reminded your whole life that good posture is important; sitting and standing up straight is better for our backs, not to mention that it helps us to appear more professional, alert, and invested in whatever we’re doing! That said, did you also know that posture plays a key role in bite alignment, or how your teeth fit together? Continue reading to learn more from your orthodontist about this curious connection, along with a few tips that’ll help you maintain great posture and by proxy, a healthy smile!

How Does Posture Influence Bite Alignment?

It goes without saying that the human body is very complex, and many parts that don’t seem like they’d be connected are actually closely linked. Take your legs for example; when you have an issue with one of your feet or ankles, it can affect the entire way that your leg moves and how you’re able to walk. Extra pressure is put on your calves and knees, which can cause them to hurt.

Similarly, when you’re slouched forward while sitting or suffer from bad posture, your spinal column actually pushes your jaw forward, causing the jaw joints to adapt unfavorably to this new pressure. While this likely won’t cause sudden pain, over time your bite’s alignment will continue to worsen.  

What Problems Are Caused by Jaw Misalignment?

Many of the problems caused by jaw misalignment aren’t immediately obvious; however, they can end up causing serious discomfort if left unaddressed. Here are a few of the most common issues that manifest:

  • Jaw Soreness and TMD (temporomandibular joint disorder) – When your jaws are misaligned, it takes more effort to bring them together, which leads to more stress being placed on them. This extra tension can easily cause soreness and inflammation, as well as TMD.
  • Weakened/Damaged Teeth – If your jaw is in an odd position, that means all of your teeth are also going to be slightly out of place. If they’re pushed forward in the mouth, they’re exposed to more friction and stress. Over time, they can become worn down or chipped, making them extra sensitive and prone to further damage.
  • Delayed Orthodontic Treatment – It’s essential for your jawbone to be in good shape while undergoing orthodontic treatment. Extra jaw movement can potentially slow down your progress, or even reverse your treatment if it’s expediting bite issues.

How Can I Maintain a Better Posture?

The good news here is that once you’re aware of its importance, it’s much easier to correct your posture and ensure that you’re always sitting or standing up straight. Consider these useful tips:

  • Lift your chest up and roll your shoulder blades back and down; you’ll immediately feel a difference in posture.
  • Take a few deep breaths, letting your lungs fully expand before exhaling.
  • Tighten your stomach muscles to support your core; this will take pressure off of your back.
  • Imagine there’s a straight vertical line between your ears and hips.
  • If you’re prone to sitting for long periods of time, take a break every hour or so to stand up, stretch, and reset your posture.

Good posture isn’t the only thing that’ll impact your orthodontic treatment – you’ll also need to ensure that you’re maintaining excellent oral hygiene all throughout the process. That said, if you try to remain mindful of how you’re sitting and standing, you’ll be doing your smile a huge favor!

About the Practice

Our team here at Simply Orthodontics of Milford has proudly served patients and families in Milford and the surrounding area for several years, offering a wide range of orthodontic treatments for patients of all ages. To learn more about or to schedule an appointment for yourself or a loved one, feel free to contact our team online or over the phone for assistance. Telephone: (508) 473-2002.